
Ghost Guitar

Although the picture above does not suggest this I will talk about my digital setup today. Because I recently purchased some of my favourites I also streamlined my plug-in folder quite a bit. And these remained in the mix: If equalisation is necessary I put up the DMG Audio EQuilibrium – one of the most versatile EQs to date. Don’t let the complex settings fool you, just choose a preset to start with and go on from there, you can easily strip down the feature-heavy UI into a straight forward display. While mastering I use a linear phase FIR mode with M/S ability. On solo tracks I choose a more light weight design, often cutting with precise “digital” curves and boosting with broader “analogue” filter models. Marvelous sound really.

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As the studio is ready to mix again we updated our SoundCloud playlist and references. We’d like to mention particularly the guys above (to be watched in an older live video), a music project called “Aktion X”. Coming all the way from Leipzig they visited our studio to record vocals and some additional takes. The instrumental mixes were already done elsewhere so Christian just had to fit in the new stuff. The results you can listen to when you get to the Cloud and via the player on this website’s right side.

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The desk is practically back in action waiting only for the studio computer to run again. Our next step is the placement of all accoustic elements we need and some additional wiring especially in the recording room. Winter is coming in the meantime I suppose, all the while we are restructuring the whole building around us, so that takes time too. Nevertheless we enjoy ourselves doing all this and new music from the block will arrive this year yet.

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Our busy friend from “The Cold View” had another review in the Chronicles of Chaos. He also spread word about blockstudio talking with the Decibel Magazin in his distinctive metal-gentleman-like manner. Much appreciated. We also like to thank Thorbjorn Sigberg for willingly but unknowingly licensing the somewhat kitschy picture above.

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For a bigger recording room we sell some space

And our control room will also get bigger.  This includes the inevitable positioning of our listening monitors along the roll axis in hope for a better listening situation (than before). In the main recording room we will lay some wooden laminate on the floor. We will also take some more care in terms of the overall look and feel of the room, maybe we will  even do some painting. All in all the rebuilding will take some weeks if not month so stay tuned until we’ll return (back to recording business – because creating and mixing will never stop).

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Re-Release of D-SO classic, some links, some plans

Those who followed the development of our references so far might have noticed the mentioning of a project called Deutsch-SüdOst, or D-SO. Its one and only release “Heimatherz” was remastered in-house around 2010. But you couldn’t actually listen to these praised versions and now you can. We uploaded all the tracks to our Bandcamp site and made them available for free (though donations are welcomed). Composer, creator and producer of “LFO” as of “Heimatherz” is our dear Christian and no other. You might find some of his older friends using the project name for social networking purposes but this re-release is about the music only.

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Kosheen on stage

Cover version of Kosheen’s “Pride”, unofficial remix of Gotye’s “Somebody”

We uploaded two more tracks under the CNHN-imprint which are somehow special. So we have a stomping, guitar- and breaks-heavy version of Kosheen’s song “Pride” which used to be widely known more than a decade ago (the original that is). The new basic track had a life of it’s own before turning into cover version – it just sounded alike in the end and so the vocal lines were consequently put on top.

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P. & J. & P.

New recordings wanted, LFO review in German, artists on the block

Because of our newest gear (remember Oktava and SPL amongst them) we would be really excited about recording new stuff, so contact us for that immediately. Because the only thing that matter to us is the quality of your music you might put budget problems aside and just write us an email. Another thing we want to share is this review by Alessandro on his borderline-fuckup-blog, written in German language. Being more into Hardcore/Punk the author at first felt somehow weird about reviewing electronic music but gave it a try nonetheless. Thank you for that! And because we’re into the HC/Punk thing as well (at least recording-wise) we hope to see more of those bands around in the future.

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CNHN - Shame

New track “Shame”, a little networking, and some gear

During the past days we abused “LFO” as in a field experiment on publishing music. For that we entered some more networks and uploaded our stuff. And we went to but we’re not quite sure if we really like it (or is it just the advertise-heavy look).

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First official release, second to none

We’re happy to announce our first album available via blockstudio’s Bandcamp domain. Titled “LFO” (because in the end it all comes down to low frequency oscillations) it contains Christian’s musical efforts during the last 10 years (or so). Some tracks are stretching back to the days of Deutsch-SüdOst, reflecting a more dark and industrial form of electronic wave. Others bring you ambient sound scapes evolving into psychedelic jams, and you will have those heavy beats contrasted by weird atmospheres and accoustic voices. “LFO” sums up CNHN’s strongest musical expressions until today and could be understood as the beginning of a new era where the best is yet to come.

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