Cold again
This month we finalized the second album called “Wires of Woe, Ways of Waste” by The Cold View. Particulary the mixing job was a fine thing to do because it allowed the engineer so much creative freedom. Though the artist is officially a metal guy he does not make any amends to mainstream sound (I’m repeatung my self I fear). No harsh high mids and clicky kickdrums, so much subs and warm saturation. The album will be released this summer (why not winter) by Doom-label Endless Winter (to form the evil alliance of cold).
Other things: We are preparing a release of older material by Manigk via Bandcamp which was made to be combined with special video material back then (in 2010). Another thing: We finished mixing and mastering a two-song-demo by Berlin rock band SonicRunes. Which was recorded in our newly build recording room some weeks ago. And more recordings are going to take place anytime soon!